Why do I write?

Why do I write? I write to process my life experiences and to offer a hand along the path. I write to sort through and find meaning; to accept what is and settle uprising resistance; to put my time left on this earth to good use. 

Writing has been my practice for many years. I cannot imagine my life without it. It has steadied me in the storms, offered perspective and a necessary outlet. It emanates from a compelling call to create and to help others, and has served me well.

I have weathered my share of losses which you will come to know though my writings. As a mental health professional for 40+ years I have held space for and witnessed countless painful and poignant stories. I still think about them… about the deep sorrow and struggle, but mostly about the resilience and redemption.

I am older now; the nest is empty and I have time to direct my energies purposefully. I retired from my job as a Grief Counselor for Hospice five years ago and have been undertaking this effort on and off ever since. The Pandemic initially put a damper on my writing. I just couldn’t find the energy to write about death and grief then. My energy went into researching germs, how to wash my groceries (humorous now but alarming then) and how to protect ourselves while we waited for vaccines and questioned the ever changing guidelines. Between the virus and politics there was little space left for anything else. But things settled and as the death tolls mounted, I saw need everywhere and heeded the call to complete what I had begun. I am almost finished with my book and have begun shopping my work for publication. I am excited to enter this new world with hopes of spreading my message.

I hope you will continue the journey with me as I post grief related resources, tools and strategies for healing, handouts, excerpts and inspiring stories!


In the Early Days of Grief


The Blog and the Not Yet Finished Book